Can SCOTUS be sued?

It’s been over two weeks since overturning Roe v Wade. And I’m just not willing to let it go. I don’t even have a uterus or ovaries. I will never carry a pregnancy to term. Yet I find myself thinking about the recent assault on women’s rights on a daily basis—a decision largely driven by personal and religious beliefs, party affiliations and biases.

And I am utterly terrified about what is to come.

It’s not only that the church continues to sleep with the state.

It’s not only that this verdict endangers women and removes yet another layer of protection when:

  • autonomy is violated

  • saying “no” is silenced

  • medical conditions, or pregnancy, threaten their lives

  • a condom breaks or birth control fails

  • social conditions prohibit raising a child

It’s not only the emotional suffering and anxiety a woman must endure for a moment of pleasure that might just unravel their dreams, careers and futures.

It’s not only that this ruling puts those at highest risk in harms way.

It’s not only that vulnerable and marginalized populations will suffer even greater injustices and discriminations and that the cycles of poverty and inequality will flourish exponentially.

No, it’s the hypocrisy and tyranny of this SCOTUS and the people who elected them, aggressively imposing their beliefs on a nation tired of their double-standards while actively opposing steps to prevent unintended pregnancies.

  • in Missouri, Republicans sought to bar Medicaid from paying for contraception

  • in Lousisiana, efforts are being made to outlaw PlanB and IUD's--neither of these is abortifacient

  • SCOTUS already allowing religious employers to deny coverage for contraception (is this really about abortion?)

I might feel otherwise if these so-called leaders, politicians, religious right, conservatives and SCOTUS held themselves and men to equal standards.

If they pursued gun violence, rape, child abuse, sex trafficking, homelessness, racism, social disparities, access to healthcare and education with even a fraction of the zeal they’ve exhibited in targeting Roe v Wade.

If their intentions truly reflected “pro-life” and “pro-living."

If on that fateful day in June they had ruled in favor of proven solutions instead of certain oppression.

Such as:

  • providing unconditional access to effective birth control

  • mandating accurate, unbiased and comprehensive sex education

  • funding evidenced-based programs to reduce teen pregnancy

  • providing pre- and post-natal care to ensure that fetus is born healthy

  • enforcing stricter gun laws shown to reduce violence, suffering and the killing of living children

  • bolstering social services  for single-parent households as effortlessly as they allow the manipulation of voter registration, redlining and gerrymandering

  • restructuring the foster care and adoption services to minimize the mistreatment of these unborn, unwanted and unintended children

  • prosecuting surrogate households who fail to provide safety and love

  • protecting women in our legal courts against domestic violence and sexual assault resulting in unwanted pregnancy

  • imposing a pregnancy tax for pharmaceutical companies treating erectile dysfunction and encouraging thoughts and prayers instead when it's limp and flaccid

  • demanding men are equally held accountable for using birth control and every child they father

  • providing free legal services for women left pregnant by their sorry-ass boyfriend, husband, father, state senator, rapist, managers, CEO’s, pastors, mentors, coaches and Jeffrey Epstein’s of the world and prosecuting them to the fullest extent of the law

  • fortifying mental health services for the emotional suffering and constant threats women will need to endure for just being a woman

  • providing unlimited access to resources for every unwanted and unintended child forced to exist in a nation that has no intention, nor plan, to ensure this child has every opportunity to thrive

  • rebalancing the national budget ASAP to make these services possible

But, it’s not about “pro-life” any more than it’s about WWJD (what would Jesus do?) Good question, though 🧐!

It’s not about abortions or the unborn child. (Never mind the born child.)

It’s not even about the economy . (Because God knows, we’re about to witness a socio-economic catastrophe of the likes few of us have ever experienced)

It’s not about marriage or pre-marital sex. (But Thomas is gunnin' for it.)

It’s not about birth control or prevention. (Oh, ye of little faith. It will be.)

It’s not about human rights. (Nope)

And it’s definitely not about equal rights. (And, double nope.)

Those are topics and triggers—whatever it takes—to rile a voter base lusting for power, control and votes. Even if rights must be violated.

It's gaslighting 101.

The consequences for women are horrendous, but for a nation it will be disasterous.

Supposedely, there's a saying: "If there's a solution to your problem, you don't have a problem." Unless, of course, you are the problem--standing in the way of positive change, opposing solutions that could solve the very problem (and so many other social issues) you claim are ruining this nation (and your blessings), and denying the wellbeing and rights of the citizens entrusted to your care.

No, SCOTUS walked into that court room without wearing a condom on their religious beliefs and party favors, and impregnated the law, and your life, to their (and their constituents) liking, not yours.

And no, they aren’t finished.

God bless ‘merica!


Being Wrong